Prelusion Escape

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The phrase “under normal circumstances” seems old fashioned and unobtainable. As an amateur blogger I’ve struggled with what to say, what not to say, and generally how to respond to months of escalating strife, life changes, and world-wide struggle. As a Christian I do tend to look at life events through an eye of faith and hope. Even with that view my hope admittedly becomes challenged. I have chosen to be quiet and listen more than I speak over these last few months.

I will be brief with my commentary but do feel motivated to say something. Here’s best attempt at sharing what is on my heart today:

  1. Wear a mask, be healthy, get a good night’s sleep, focus on your family and personal growth.

  2. The systemic racism in the United States and the ongoing murders of black people by those in positions of authority pledged to serve and protect must stop. I pray we all listen more than we speak and treat others as we want to be treated. Note there was a period at the end of the previous sentence. Things must change and equality must reign. I am embarrassed by my lack of real action on this topic in my life. I wrongly believed that leading by example was enough, it’s not.